Mortgage Early Repayment Calculator

Based on the figures which have been entered into our Mortgage Early Repayment Calculator:

Considerations When Repaying Your Loan Early

  1. Using the loan calculator in order to see the monthly loan repayment amounts depending on the term and interest rates of each loan.
  2. Reviewing the considerations of the personal loan before you sign the agreement. This is important so that you understand what you're getting into.
  3. Not jumping straight into the mortgage. Take some time to think about it, and consider all of your options. Remember, a mortgage is a long-term loan that will have a large impact on your life, so think carefully.

Using our early repayment loan calculator will allow you to calculate the monthly interest repayments that you will be making over the different time periods as well as helping you define whatever the best financial option for you will be.

When you begin budgeting yourself for a mortgage, don't over-stretch yourself. For example, if you are looking at a long-term mortgage, then take a step back and look at what you can afford. If you begin to think that you can pay more on a monthly basis and cut down your interest costs, make sure that you can back up that thought with some proof, otherwise you may take on something you can't actually do. Loan overpayments are a fantastic idea, if you can do it. Even something as low as £50.00 extra a month can make a big difference in the end. Try our Additional Monthly Payments Calculator and check out the results for yourself.

Things to Consider Before Taking Out a Mortgage

Taking out a mortgage is a huge financial step, make sure that you are ready for the stress that's to come with it.