Free Printable Circle Templates - Large and Small Circle Stencils

Raise your hand if you've ever gone around your kitchen measuring bowls trying to find one that was just the right size for a project! With these free printable circle templates, you won't have to do that any more.

Today I'm sharing a crazy large variety of circle stenicls, as well as tips for how to use these circle printables, that will save you a lot of time and hassle in the future!

17 sizes of free printable circle templates

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Circle punches

Before we get into the circle templates, I want to let you know that the smallest circle is 1".

If you need to make just a few circles smaller than that, try scaling down the print out.

For example, for ½" circles, simply print at 50%.

If you need to make a lot of circle cut outs, look for a circle punch . I've done a whole lot of crafting in my life - trust me when I say you do not want to cut out a zillion tiny circles by hand!

Even a 1" size becomes pretty tedious to cut out in quantity! If you think you'll need a lot of 1" circles, I really recommend just getting a circle punch.

You can also find larger circle punches.

I've used my 2" punch a lot of homemade gift tags over the years. It probably isn't worth if for a one-off project where you just need a few circles, but if you anticipate cutting a lot of circles for projects, a DIY wedding, etc., it is totally worth a few dollars.

Free printable circle templates in sizes 1 to 16

Table of Contents

Ways to use circle outline templates

Large & extra large circle patterns

Please note that these templates are for personal and classroom use. You are not licensed to redistribute or sell the files or printouts to others for their use. Simply refer your friends and coworkers to this post so they can download their own copies. Thank you.

Please make sure to follow the links to download at the PDF printable circles. Do not right click and save the images - they are very low resolution and will not print well. You may need to authorize downloads from Dropbox if asked for permission.

Many home printers today can print with margins as small as ¼" (a lot of printers geared towards printing photos can even print borderless .)

Assuming you can print with a .25" margin, this large circle template should be 8" across. If you have to print with larger margins, the circle will be slightly smaller.

Download the large 8" circle template


Need a bigger circle? No problem!

This template creates a circle up to 10 inches across! Cut it out, trace it, then flip the template to create the second half of the circle. You can also print two and tape them together, if you prefer.


Still not big enough for you? This circle is an enormous 16"!

Only one quarter of it fits on the page, so I highly recommend printing at least two copies and taping them together.

Printing four copies and taping them together to form a circle will lead to more accurate results. Enjoy your extra large circle template!


Medium and small circle template & circle shapes to cut out

For your convenience, I created circle templates all the way from 1" to 8" in .5" increments. I've seen people other places asking for 2.5" circles, 3.5" circles, and other half sizes, so I hope you enjoy these circle shapes.