Appendix : English irregular verbs

This table lists irregular verbs in the English language. Each row shows an irregular verb (or group of compounds sharing a base verb), arranged alphabetically.

The table’s left-hand column shows verb forms (lemma and inflected): The citation form (the infinitive) comes first (linked to its Wiktionary article), from which a marker (dagger †) references a footnote if its present tense forms are irregular. Next is the preterite or simple past form, then finally the past participle. The right hand column notes whether the verb is weak or strong, whether it belongs to a subclass, and links to discussions elsewhere. Typical irregularities in weak verbs are the assimilation of dentals (bendedbent) and vowel reduction (*keepedkept).

Many of these verbs are irregular in British or American English only. For some, such as spell (spelt vs. spelled), learn (learnt vs. learned), and spill (spilt vs. spilled), American English uses the regular form, while British English tends to favor the irregular. In other cases, the opposite is true (dived and sneaked in Britain, but also dove and snuck in the United States). Australian English tends to follow British practice, while Canadian English often sides with American usage. In this table, the preferred or more common usage is generally listed first, though for some words usage is nearly equal for both choices. Note that many of these forms vary even within each English variety depending on the dialect.

This table includes selected archaic forms (marked *).

verb forms verb class and notes
be † was/were been Suppletive. See Indo-European copula.
bear bore/bare born/borne forbear forbore forborne *misbear misbore misborne overbear overbore overborne underbear underbore underborne Strong, class 4
beat beat beaten/beat browbeat browbeat browbeaten Strong, class 7
begin began begun Strong, class 3
bend bent/bended bent/bended overbend overbent overbent unbend unbent unbent Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
beseech besought/beseeched besought/beseeched Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
bet bet/betted bet/betted Weak with assimilation of dentals
bid (in cards, auctions, etc.) bid bid outbid outbid outbid overbid overbid overbid underbid underbid underbid Weak with assimilation of dentals
bid (meaning to request or say) bade/bid/bidded bidden/bid/bidded forbid forbad/forbade/forbid forbid/forbidden Strong, class 5
bide bided/bode bided/bidden abide abided/abode abided/*abidden Strong, class 1
bind bound bound/*bounden unbind unbound unbound underbind underbound underbound Strong, class 3
bite bit bitten Strong, class 1
bleed bled bled Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
bless blessed/blest blessed/blest Weak irregular only in spelling
blow blew blown overblow overblew overblown Strong, class 7
break broke broken Strong, class 4
breed bred bred inbreed inbred inbred interbreed interbred interbred overbreed overbred overbred Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
bring brought brought/*broughten Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
build built built overbuild overbuilt overbuilt rebuild rebuilt rebuilt Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
burn burned/burnt burnt/burned Weak with devoicing of the ending, a former Strong, class 3 verb
burst burst/bursted/*brast burst/bursted/*bursten Weak with assimilation of dentals, a former Strong, class 3 verb
bust bust/busted bust/busted Weak with assimilation of dentals, a former Strong, class 3 verb
buy bought bought/boughten overbuy overbought overbought underbuy underbought underbought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
can (aux. only) could *couth Preterite-present
cast cast cast broadcast broadcast broadcast forecast forecast forecast miscast miscast miscast overcast overcast overcast podcast podcast podcast recast recast recast simulcast simulcast simulcast undercast undercast undercast webcast webcast webcast Weak with assimilation of dentals
catch caught caught Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law - a French loanword conjugated perhaps by analogy with teach-taught
chide chid/chidded/chode chid/chidded/chidden Strong, class 1
choose chose chosen mischoose mischose mischosen Strong, class 2
cleave (split apart) clove cloven/cleft Strong, class 2
cleave (cling to) cleft/cleaved cleft/cleaved Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
*clepe cleped/clept cleped/clept/yclept Weak with vowel reduction
cling clung clung Strong, class 3
clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad unclothe unclothed/unclad unclothed/unclad Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
come came come become became become misbecome misbecame misbecome overcome overcame overcome Strong, class 4
cost cost cost Weak with assimilation of dentals
creep crept/creeped crept/creeped/*cropen Weak with vowel reduction, a former Strong, class 2 verb
crow crew/crowed crowed/*crown Strong, class 7.
cut cut cut crosscut crosscut crosscut intercut intercut intercut undercut undercut undercut Weak with assimilation of dentals
dare dared/*durst dared/*durst Preterite-present
deal dealt dealt misdeal misdealt misdealt Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
dig dug dug underdig underdug underdug Strong, class 3, a former Weak verb
dive dived/dove dived Weak with the past tense possibly inspired by the Class 1 strong verb drive.
do † did done misdo misdid misdone outdo outdid outdone overdo overdid overdone redo redid redone undo undid undone underdo underdid underdone Reduplication with past participle springing from OE "gedon"
drag drug/dragged drug/dragged Strong, class 6
draw drew drawn overdraw overdrew overdrawn redraw redrew redrawn underdraw underdrew underdrawn withdraw withdrew withdrawn Strong, class 6
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
dress dressed/*drest dressed/drest overdress overdressed/overdrest overdressed/overdrest underdress underdressed/underdrest underdressed/underdrest undress undressed/undrest undressed/undrest Weak irregular only in spelling
drink drank/drunk drank/drunk/drunken overdrink overdrank overdrunk Strong, class 3
drive drove/*drave driven overdrive overdrove overdriven Strong, class 1
dwell dwelt/dwelled dwelt/dwelled Weak with devoicing of the ending
eat ate eaten overeat overate overeaten Strong, class 5
fall fell fallen befall befell befallen Strong, class 7
feed fed fed breastfeed breastfed breastfed misfeed misfed misfed overfeed overfed overfed underfeed underfed underfed Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
feel felt felt Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
fight fought fought/foughten Strong, class 3
find found found/*founden Strong, class 3
fit fit/fitted fit/fitted Weak with assimilation of dentals
flee fled fled Weak with vowel reduction, a former Strong, class 2 verb
fling flung flung Strong, class 3
fly flew flown overfly overflew overflown Strong, class 2
freeze froze/*frore frozen/*froren Strong, class 2
get got gotten/got beget begot/*begat begotten/begot forget forgot forgotten misbeget misbegot misbegotten/misbegot misget misgot misgotten underget undergot undergotten Strong, class 4, a former Strong, class 5 verb
gild gilt/gilded gilt/gilded Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
gird girt/girded girt/girded undergird undergirt/undergirded undergirt/undergirded Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
give gave given forgive forgave forgiven misgive misgave misgiven Strong, class 5
gnaw gnawed/*gnew gnawed/*gnawn Strong, class 7
go went gone forego forewent foregone forgo forwent forgone undergo underwent undergone Suppletive. See: go (verb).
grave grove/graved graven/graved Strong, class 6
grind ground/grinded ground/*grounden Strong, class 3
grow grew grown outgrow outgrew outgrown overgrow overgrew overgrown regrow regrew regrown undergrow undergrew undergrown Strong, class 7
hang hung/hanged hung/hanged overhang overhung/overhanged overhung/overhanged underhang underhung underhung Strong, class 7 weak past tense and present influenced by OE causative "hangian"
have † had had Weak pret. and past participle spring from O.E. haefd
hear heard heard mishear misheard misheard overhear overheard overheard Weak with vowel reduction
heave heaved/hove heaved/hove/hoven/heft Strong, class 6
hew hew/hewed hewn/hewed underhew underhewed underhewn/underhewed Strong, class 7
hide hid hid/hidden Strong, class 1, a former Weak verb
hit hit hit mishit mishit mishit Weak with assimilation of dentals
hold held held/*holden behold beheld beheld uphold upheld upheld/*upholden withhold withheld withheld/withholden Strong, class 7
hurt hurt hurt Weak with assimilation of dentals
keep kept kept miskeep miskept miskept Weak with vowel reduction
ken kenned/kent kenned/kent misken miskenned/miskent miskenned/miskent Weak with devoicing of the ending
kneel knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted Weak with assimilation of dentals
know knew known foreknow foreknew foreknown misknow misknew misknown Strong, class 7
lade laded laden/laded Strong, class 6
lay laid laid forelay forelaid forelaid forlay forlaid forlaid inlay inlaid inlaid mislay mislaid mislaid overlay overlaid overlaid relay relaid relaid underlay underlaid underlaid waylay waylaid waylaid Weak irregular only in spelling
lead led led mislead misled misled Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
lean leaned(US)/leant(UK) leaned(US)/leant(UK) Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending in British English.
leap leaped/leapt/*lope leaped/leapt/*lopen Weak with vowel reduction, a former Strong, class 7
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt mislearn mislearned/mislearnt mislearned/mislearnt Weak with devoicing of the ending
leave left left forleave forleft forleft/forlaft Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
lend lent lent *forlend forlent forlent Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
let (allow) let/*leet let/letten forlet forlet forlet sublet sublet sublet underlet underlet underlet Strong, class 7
lie (but not talking untruthfully) lay lain forelie forlay forlain overlie overlay overlain underlie underlay underlain Strong, class 5
light lit/lighted lit/lighted alight alit/alighted alit/alighted Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
lose lost lost Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
make made made remake remade remade Weak contraction of "maked"
may might Preterite-present
mean meant meant Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
meet met met Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
melt melted/*molt melted/*molten Strong, class 3
mow mowed mowed/mown Strong, class 7
nim nam/nimmed nomen/nome/numb/nimmed benim benam/benimmed benomen/benome/benumb/benimmed Strong, class 4
pay paid paid overpay overpaid overpaid prepay prepaid prepaid repay repaid repaid underpay underpaid underpaid Weak irregular only in spelling
pen penned/*pent penned/*pent Weak with devoicing of the ending
plead pleaded/pled pleaded/pled Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
prove proved proved/proven Weak with naturally developing a strong participle, a borrowed French verb
put put put input input input output output/outputted output/outputted Weak with assimilation of dentals
*queath or quethe quoth quoth/quethen bequeath bequeathed/bequoth bequeathed/bequeathen Strong, class 4 or Strong, class 5
quit quit quit Weak with assimilation of dentals
read read read lipread lipread lipread misread misread misread proofread proofread proofread reread reread reread Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals, a former Strong, class 7 verb
*reave reft reft bereave bereaved/bereft bereaved/bereft Weak with vowel reduction and devoicing of the ending
rend rent rent Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
rid rid/ridded rid/ridden/ridded Weak with assimilation of dentals
ride rode ridden override overrode overridden Strong, class 1
ring rang rung Strong, class 3
rise rose risen arise arose arisen Strong, class 1
rive rived/rove rived/riven Strong, class 1
run ran run forerun foreran forerun outrun outran outrun overrun overran overrun rerun reran rerun underrun underran underrun Strong, class 3
*sake sook saken forsake forsook forsaken Strong, class 6
saw sawed sawed/sawn Strong, class 6
say † said said *forsay forsaid forsaid *gainsay gainsaid gainsaid missay missaid missaid *naysay naysaid naysaid *withsay withsaid withsaid Weak with vowel reduction
see saw seen *besee besaw beseen foresee foresaw foreseen oversee oversaw overseen sightsee sightsaw sightseen Strong, class 5
seek sought sought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
seethe seethed/*sod seethed/*sodden Strong, class 2
sell sold sold outsell outsold outsold oversell oversold oversold resell resold resold Weak with Rückumlaut
send sent sent missend missent missent resend resent resent Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
set set set beset beset beset inset inset inset misset misset misset offset offset offset overset overset overset preset preset preset reset reset reset upset upset upset *withset withset withset Weak with assimilation of dentals
sew sewed sewed/sewn oversew oversewed oversewed/oversewn Weak with naturally developing a strong participle
shake shook shaken overshake overshook overshaken Strong, class 6
shall should (none) Preterite-present; defective; see also Shall and will
shape shaped/*shope shapen/shaped misshape misshaped misshapen/misshaped Strong, class 6
shave shove/shaved shaven/shaved Strong, class 6
shear shore/sheared shorn/sheared Strong, class 4
shed shed/shedded shed/shedded Weak with assimilation of dentals, a former Strong, class 7 verb
shine shined/shone shined/shone *beshine beshone beshone outshine outshined/outshone outshined/outshone overshine overshined/overshone overshined/overshone Strong, class 1
shit shit/shat/shitted shit/shat/shitted/shitten Strong, class 1 or Strong, class 5 in analogy with sit.
shite shit/shat shit/shat/shitten Strong, class 1 or Strong, class 5 in analogy with sit.
shoe shoed/shod shoed/shod/shodden Weak with vowel reduction
shoot shot shot/shotten overshoot overshot overshot reshoot reshot reshot undershoot undershot undershot Strong, class 2
show showed/shew shown/showed Weak with naturally developing a strong participle shown perhaps by analogy with sow, sown
shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk/shrunken Strong, class 3
shrive shrove shriven Strong, class 1
shut shut shut Weak with assimilation of dentals
sing sang sung outsing outsang outsung Strong, class 3
sink sank/sunk sunk/sunken Strong, class 3
sit sat sat babysit babysat babysat Strong, class 5
slay slew/slayed slain/slayed Strong, class 6
sleep slept slept oversleep overslept overslept Weak with vowel reduction, a former Strong, class 7 verb
slide slid slid/slidden overslide overslid overslid/overslidden Strong, class 1
sling slang/slung slung Strong, class 3
slink slunk slunk Strong, class 3
slip slipped/*slipt slipped/*slipt overslip overslipped/overslipt overslipped/overslipt Weak irregular only in spelling, a former Strong, class 1 verb
slit slit slit/*slitten Weak with assimilation of dentals, a former Strong, class 1 verb
smell smelled/smelt smelled/smelt Weak with devoicing of the ending
smite smote/smit smitten Strong, class 1
sneak sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck Strong, class 3, a former Weak verb
sow sowed/sew sowed/sown Strong, class 7
speak spoke/*spake spoken *bespeak bespoke bespoken *forspeak forspoke forspoken misspeak misspoke misspoken Strong, class 4
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
spell spelled/spelt spelled/spelt misspell misspelled/misspelt misspelled/misspelt Weak with devoicing of the ending
spend spent spent *forspend forspent forspent misspend misspent misspent outspend outspent outspent overspend overspent overspent Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
spill spilled/spilt spilled/spilt overspill overspilled/overspilt overspilled/overspilt Weak with devoicing of the ending
spin span/spun spun Strong, class 3
spit spit/spat spit/spat/spitten Strong, class 1 or Strong, class 5 in analogy with sit.
split split split Weak with assimilation of dentals
spoil spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt Weak with devoicing of the ending
spread spread spread *bespread bespread bespread overspread overspread overspread Weak with assimilation of dentals
spring sprang/sprung sprung Strong, class 3
stand stood stood/*standen misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood understand understood understood withstand withstood withstood Strong, class 6
stave staved/stove staved/stove Strong, class 6, a former Weak verb
stay stayed/staid stayed/staid Weak irregular only in spelling
steal stole stolen Strong, class 4
stick stuck stuck Strong, class 3, a former Weak verb
sting stung/stang stung Strong, class 3
stink stank/stunk stunk Strong, class 3
strew strew/strewed strewn/strewed Weak with naturally developing a strong participle
stride strode/strided stridden/strided/strid overstride overstrode overstridden Strong, class 1
strike struck stricken/struck Strong, class 1
string strang/strung strung hamstring hamstrung hamstrung Strong, class 3, a former Weak verb
strive strove/strived striven/strived Strong, class 1, a former Weak verb
*strow strow/strowed strown/strowed Weak with naturally developing a strong participle, an archaic variant of strew
swear swore sworn forswear forswore forsworn outswear outswore outsworn Strong, class 4, a former Strong, class 6 verb
sweat sweat/sweated sweat/sweated Weak with assimilation of dentals
sweep swept swept Weak with vowel reduction
swell swelled/swoll swelled/swollen Strong, class 3
*swelt swolt/swelted swolten/swelted Strong, class 3
swim swam swum Strong, class 3
swing swang/swung swung/*swungen overswing overswung overswung Strong, class 3
take took taken mistake mistook mistaken overtake overtook overtaken partake partook partaken retake retook retaken undertake undertook undertaken Strong, class 6
teach taught taught Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
tear tore torn Strong, class 4
tell told told foretell foretold foretold retell retold retold outtell outtold outtold Weak with Rückumlaut
think thought thought outthink outthought outthought rethink rethought rethought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
thrive thrived/throve thrived/thriven Strong, class 1, a former Weak verb
throw threw thrown outthrow outthrew outthrown overthrow overthrew overthrown Strong, class 7
thrust thrust/thrusted thrust/thrusted outthrust outthrust outthrust Weak with assimilation of dentals
tread trod trodden/trod retread retrod retrodden/retrod Strong, class 4
wake woke/waked woken/waked awake awoke/awaked awoken/awaked Strong, class 6
wax waxed waxed/waxen Strong, class 7
wear wore worn Strong, class 4, a former Weak verb
weave weaved/wove woven interweave interwove interwoven Strong, class 4
wed wed/wedded wed/wedded Weak with assimilation of dentals
weep wept wept Weak with vowel reduction, a former Strong, class 7 verb
wend wended/went wended/went Weak with assimilation of dentals and devoicing of the ending
wet wet/wetted wet/wetted Weak with assimilation of dentals
will would/willed willed Irregular; see also Shall and will
win won won Strong, class 3
wind wound wound rewind rewound rewound unwind unwound unwound Strong, class 3
work worked/*wrought worked/*wrought overwork overworked overworked/overwrought Weak with Rückumlaut and metathesis of r and o
*worth worth worth/worthen Strong, class 3
wreak wreaked/wrought/*wroke wreaked/wreaken/*wroken/wrought Strong, class 4 or Strong, class 5
wring wrang/wrung wrung Strong, class 3
write wrote/*writ written miswrite miswrote miswritten overwrite overwrote overwritten rewrite rewrote rewritten underwrite underwrote underwritten Strong, class 1
writhe writhed/*wrothe writhed/*writhen Strong, class 1

Present tense irregular verbs

† Though the list of verbs irregular in the preterite or perfect tenses is long, the list of irregular present tense verbs is very short. Excepting modal verbs like "shall", "will", and "can" that do not inflect at all in the present tense, there are only four, two of which are only irregular in pronunciation (say and do):

Additional note

These verbs from the list above are spelled the same in the simple past as in the present tense (excluding compounds such as set, beset, inset, upset etc.): beat, bet, burst, cast, cost, cut, hit, hurt, let, put, quit, read, rid, set, shed, shut, slit, split, spread. (Note that of all the preceding, only "read" is pronounced differently in the past tense from the present tense.)

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