You can apply for assistance to help you set up and maintain a tenancy in the private rental market through Housing Pathways.
While many options are available, each option has different eligibility requirements. Generally, with a few exceptions, you need to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and a resident of NSW.
- Rent Choice is a private rental subsidy that helps you pay the rent for up to 3 years. Financial assistance may be available if:
- you've had a major financial setback like illness, or you've lost your job
- you're escaping domestic and family violence
- you're a war veteran, or
- you're a young person aged 16 – 24 who is homeless or at risk of homelessness.
To apply for housing assistance you can:
- fill out an application form online
- call the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
If you'd like to discuss more housing assistance options, visit your local housing office.